Welcome to Nazko

General Store,
Restaurant & GAS

Three Nations Store and Lodge in Nazko, BC


Gas-General Shopping-and more

Currently, the Store is the only facility within 55 km for visitors to purchase items. There is a gas station, restaurant, and rustic accommodations for the weary traveller.

Gas Station

Don’t forget to take gas when you have a chance.

General Store

Purchase anything from snacks to local handmade art.

Fishing Supplies

Of course, we carry fishing supplies. Make sure you have all you need to make a successful trip.

Showers & Laundromat

These facilities are here for your convenience. Refresh yourself on the way to your destination. 


Fresh Ingredients, Tasty Meals

Our restaurant uses only the best ingredients, skilfully prepared and served to your liking. Our food is known all over the valley for its quality, and we have many repeat customers. The reason is simple: it’s really great food!

restaurant in nazko bc


Always Homemade

If you are looking for accommodations in the Nazko Valley, you came to the right place. Choose between our cabins or camping sites during the season.

Let's Start Conversation
Get a hold of us!

We invite you to contact us if you have any questions about the Nazko Valley and its amenities, the Three Nations General Store and Lodge, or anything you might want to know. We will answer you as quickly as we can!

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